Tuesday, October 6, 2020

 Turn Signal

he left turn signal began blinking, but Bob didnt turn.   must have a short he thought to himself, since he hadnt indicated a left turn.  as he pulled through the intersection where he wasnt turning left or any other direction, the signal went out again.   thats that thought Bob.   weird, i hate cars with electrical problems. 

on the way home from work that night, the same thing happened as he approached the same intersection.   only this time it was his right turn signal.  it began blinking about a block from the corner.  now thats really an odd coincidence thought bob, but again there was no explanation so he continued on home, not giving it another thought. 

and it happened exactly the same every day that week.  to and from work.   saturday he didnt go out, but a trip down the same road sunday for groceries. elicited the same phantom signal on the way.  he took another way back.  no other errant signals. 

finally bob couldnt stand it anymore however, and one friday night on the the way home from work he thought, what the heck .  and went ahead and turned like the signal had indicated.  

turned into a field and over a fence where he thought he had seen an intersection ..    and floored it 

his wheels never hit the ground 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcBFwoKAH78 gares orrery