Friday, January 29, 2021

The Loud Jacket Man

 The Loud Jacket Man

 Long i had stared at the photo - a man posing next to his obviously home made planetarium projector .   indeed, VERY homemade, 

he was wearing bright tweed

the loud jacket man was he

 it was a black and white picture of whirligigs, whatsits, and unidentifiable devices all there for a purpose, even though what it was didnt seem clear.   but there was something else about the man that intrigued me ..

 he wore tweed - a rather loud version of it in fact.   slowly but surely i drifted into obsession with this undated but obviously old  picture. 

and he wore bright tweed. 

the loud jacket man was he

i  found myself wanting to recreate the scene .    i began building a replica of his impossible projecting device with old planetarium parts i had piled up in my barn ...  i kept going until i had what i thought was a reasonable facsimile.of his device.   i recreated even the background, what appeared to be almost a silo like dome behind it.   the man in the picture was pointing a long slender device up on the dome, so i recreated this as well.   but there was one more thing .. i needed his tweed jacket.   i trip to a local thrift store did the trick - after shuffling through countless old sport jacket on their musty racks, i finally found one that fit the bill reasonable.  it was loud .. it would like about right in the photo recreation i now planned.   

the night i actually took the picture i carefully set the scene - i'd have to put my digital camera on manual exposure in the dark, then take my place in my recreated scene next to the reconstructed projector, holding the pointer, then hit a foot switch to hit the slights and do a quick exposure.  when all was ready, my foot hit the switch. 

something occurred at that instant that i still cannot process.   something similar to lightining.   there seemed to be a glass partition between me and the world.   i could not move, but was frozen in place.   i had replaced the man. .  i could not get out

and i saw a dark figure leave the room.  was he wearing in my clothes  ? 

 and there i hung. 

 on the wall. 

wearing tweed

the loud jacket man was me.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Planetary-Hillbillies

 ELLIE MAY CLUMPET screamed granny - theres a POSSUM IN THE PLANETARIUM... fetch me my fire stick she added rather unconvincingly, considering she weighted about 68 pounds.. 

GRANNY thats one of my critters retored Ellie May, riding up on a goat who previously had been mowing the front lawn of the Crumpets new Beverly Hills mansion.    Pa said i could keep him after i liberated im from the house next door!  she finished 

HEH HEH HEH chucked Jed,  thats no possum, it were a fancy dog on a leash but i washed him off in the cement pond and now he's running HOG wild! 

CAN YOU TWO HELP unload the truck now screamed Jethro - the Clumpets had only been in town after Pa struck oil back home about 15 minutes, and hadnt even been in the main house - they'd high tailed back to check out the backyard planetarium first ..

that aint no possum granny, that theres a poodle - what should we name him ...

granny adjusted the glasses on her nose and chucked 

SUPPER she cackled, taking aim .... gares orrery