Friday, March 19, 2021

 From a Certain Point of View

here was no place else to be but where WE were, i dont know how i knew that but i knew it was WE.   there were others in where i was, but 'where' didnt have any meaning.  there wasnt a where. i just knew i had neighbors i couldnt see but i could hear their voices, alot them talking at the same time but i finally managed to start up a conversation with a few of them somehow.  not that we had anything to talk about, there was a guy named Ralph who kept saying he couldnt see anything, but i assured him there was nothing to see even if we could, what would we see with anyway, we didnt have bodies or faces or eyes.  we were just jammed in .. jammed in ..   it couldnt be place because it didnt seem to have any dimensions, i just knew it was dark and i heard the voices of others    this went on .   there wasnt any time so i cant tell you how LONG,  i heard a lady say something about she thought she saw something, seeing being of course impossible, so there could be no 'somethings' to see.   and on and on but WE didnt notice that .   we were just .. THERE.   all in a point that wasnt, we werent, but each of us knew each of us was us .   or something.    i kept hearing a low murmuring sound beneath the din of voices and i realized it was another voice and it said something about 'getting out' and taking us all to dinner.   

im not sure what happend next, but suddenly things changed and there WAS a next and i could see in a fashion .  and in a split second we expanded in an impossible halo and there were dimensions and space and time started up.   i never found whoever wanted to take us all to dinner, but i imagined the forces it would take to generate stars and galaxies and worlds and atmospheres and plants and land and oceans and civilization and restaurants big enough to hold us all if somehow we could take him up on this offer. 

in imaging space had that murmuring guy created it?  i'll never know ..   i was mega lightyears away by the time i thought to think of it.    

it was a big bang, after all. 

 Give Me a Sign

mr smith the astronomer had the world's most powerful telescope.  he knew that eventually he'd have to devote his new resource to serious research, but for a few clear nights, he thought he'd take it for a spin.   he trained it on Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and was stunned to find that the multiple star had more companions than anyone thought possible!   but then he saw the planets ..   he zoomed in further!

he found one planet among the usual gaggle of gas giants and burned out rocks - it had an atmosphere...  he found a clear spot, zoomed in to ground level, and was stunned to see a sign.  A sign impossibly in English.  he rubbed his eyes, looked away, then looked back.  the sign was still there.    how??.     but his wonder was soon replaced with a growing dread ..   Sirius was 8.6 light years away ..  and after counting in his head, he realized something:  exactly 17.2  years ago he had done something .. well... rather embarrassing  - he had so hoped nobody would find out, but now THIS:  !  the sign said simply.. unmistakably ...  I SAW YOU!

his mind raced .. how was it possible ..   guilt reached up to stifle him, but not for long.  he had to think fast.  suddenly he smiled as if to say.. IVE GOT IT ...  he would buy time....  he took out a sheet of clean paper, a marker and made his own sign.  and placed it under glass on his roof.     he knew he couldnt get another reply for at least 17.2 more years, the time it took light to get to Sirius and back. by then he'd be so old it wouldnt matter anyway...  his sign seemed to sink to a whisper as it confidentially pointed and said ..

he's next door .... gares orrery